The World of Astoria Bob

North Coast News

The path in front of my house has been partially rebuilt and upgraded as the first project of the Astoria Path Wanderers Association (APWA). Work on this project is on-going. We will be adding some retaining blocks this summer, and doing some cleanup and beautification of the area.

The North Coast Puzzle Club (NCPC or NikPik) meets every Monday evening from 6:30-8(ish) pm at various pubs, restaurants and other venues in Astoria, and we have been adding members slowly. We are meeting at Fort George on the next to last Monday of the month in order to focus on our MathsJam membership. We may also join the Puzzled Pint organization this year. 

In addition to reading Bedtime Stories every other Sunday night on KMUN, I am also occasionally subbing on some folk music shows. It has been really fun to get back to music programming on the radio, which I used to do a lot of before my substitute teaching days.

I am still singing bass/baritone in the North Coast Chorale. Our concerts this past spring of selections from Sweeney Todd, Little Shop of Horrors and Phantom of the Opera went quite well and were lots of fun. The kids at the Astoria Conservatory did selections from Roald Dahl's Matilda at these concerts!