The World of Astoria Bob


Re⟳⥁m – This is a new concept in solid waste management and product design, variously called recomposition, recommission, recombination and more. Imagine a materials design and handling system that is very close to close-looped, distributed, with minimal energy use and very low toxicity to the environment. Explore with us this new way to talk about and do solid waste!

Astoria Path Wanderers Association – The path in front of my house has been partially rebuilt and upgraded as the first project of the Astoria Path Wanderers Association (APWA). Work on this project is on-going. We will be adding some retaining blocks this summer, and doing some cleanup and beautification of the area.

Insumnia (electronic Krypto)

Mischling Book

Online Compendium of Crossnumber Clues (OC3) – Crossnumber puzzles are like crosswords, but the grid is composed completely of numbers. The clues can be completely mathematical, or something as mundane as area codes, or the year of a hit single. The purpose of this compendium is to gather clues for each of the whole numbers 1 and greater that can reasonably be put in a crossnumber puzzle. It's possible for a 13-digit or even higher number of digits number, but the typical number length is 1-6 digits. Though not many puzzles have 1-digit values in the grid, this compendium starts with 1. Eventually, people from the world over will be able to contribute to the compendium, but for now, clues will be added by the author.

Puzzles (including the North Coast Puzzle Club)

Bob, Nancy & Tevan's Really Good Missives on the Web


Why We Moved to Astoria

One-Page Calendar

Hipfishmonthly Web Version

Aid Gents & Ladies – This company or organization would act as a clearinghouse for matching agents with customers/users and companies/organizations that are unreachable directly and have used answering services previously.

Bob's Computer Consulting (bcc:)

Steve Berk's Hipfish Articles on the Web

Books I'm Reading


Chemish – English has an alphabet of 26 letters. The Arabic numeral system we use in the U.S. and in most other countries has 10 digits, 0-9. Together, we use these building blocks to put together thousands of words and countless numbers. When you’re growing up, you learn to use a primary language to communicate concepts to others. In America, it’s usually English (American English). But if you make it to high school or above, you may learn another language – the language of chemical formulas and reactions. This language has about 100 “letters” (chemical element symbols), and also uses the Arabic numerals. If you know this language, you can read the chemical literature, but more importantly, maybe understand the world a little better, or at least what it’s made of.

Divisive Issues

Elemental Dictionary – Here's a dictionary with a twist – all the words in it are composed of concatenations of the chemical symbols of the periodic table!

Fonts For the Web

Summaries of Newspaper Articles

Webpage and Website Design and Implementation

Publishing on the Web – Turning PDFs and word processing documents into HTML files visible in a browser.

The Great Digitization Project (or GDP)

Politics (especially alternatives)

Photo Improvement

Using AI Bots

Writing for Substack, Medium and Other Social Media Platforms

A Bob's Life – being a recounting of what this particular Bob remembers of his life up to now